February Meeting Minutes
At 6:30 p.m. on Tuesday Feb 14, 2023 the Bemis Park Neighborhood Association meeting was attended by 13 people at Augustana Lutheran Church.
In attendance were:
DeeDee Riggleman, Mark Zimmerman, Brad and Kimmi Dechant, Mark Peters, Fred Brich, Mary Minturn, Joe Pittack, Dave Brown, Matt and Sienna Bryant, Jeff Ulrich
Our condolences
The group announced the sad news that longtime BPNA resident Eddie Kellogg of 3402 Lafyette Ave. passed away Feb. 9, 2023.
Seeking funding for baseball field improvements
With Spring on the way, the BPNA is scouting for grants to pay for getting the baseball field at Walnut Hill spruced up for pickup and practice baseball games, as well as cricket games that have become popular in Bemis Park among the new Afghan residents.
While in 2022 it was only used as a practice field, other non-profits in the area have discussed wanting to have various activities at the field.
Mary Minturn said she got a bid of $16,000 to restore and maintain the baseball field for 2023. While that figure could come down if the club opted against doing all the recommended upgrades or did some of the work with volunteers, some money would definitely be required. To that end she’s applied for a grant with the College World Series, and was applying for a coule more.
There's still talk of potentially having Police Athletics for Community Engagement (commonly referred to as PACE) do some of the work, but the club didn't want to assume that that was going to work out due to ongoing financial issues with that organization.
MINA grant application could also go toward this, as could the Omaha Neighborhood Grants Program. Let Minturn know if you would like to help out in any way with the grant writing efforts. You can call or text her at (402) 669-9226.
The group talked about a fundraiser softball game to raise money, if grants couldn’t cover it all. President Joe Pittack said once we know how much money we’ve raised through grants, he could potentially help fund whatever was still needed and then get recouped with the fundraiser later.
Slicing through overgrowth by stairs in Bemis Park
Due to the potential price of upgrading the baseball diamond, the board decided not to try and apply for grant money for both the baseball field and the maintenance of the landscaping around the stairs in the northwest corner of Bemis Park. Club members decided they could probably just organize a volunteering weekend and go in with a weed whacker and other equipment and
clean up the area. There’s some poison ivy growing, shrubs need to be trimmed or removed, along with boulders and a dead tree.
You might not believe it, but there used to be a pond and spring in Bemis Park by those stairs In the same area as the overgrowth the club wants to clean up, Mark Peters, who helps with archiving BPNA history, showed an article written in the 1980s by long time resident Mel Beckman talking about where you could drink from the spring near the steps. People talked about there being a natural pond in the park.
Current budget and BPNA membership
Treasurer Dave Brown reported the current budget at $4,784.33. The club discussed doing a potential membership direct mail drive, because this year so far only about 20 families have signed up. Last year it was double that, but Brown and Pittack reminded the group that the number of club members tends to rise as the year rolls on and we have events like neighborhood clean up. There was also talk of potentially adding the ability to donate electronically like through a Venmo account. In addition, the club discussed sending a postcard to all 270 people who live in the neighborhood.
Vacant homes and illegal apartments
There was talk of the vacant house across from Walnut Hill Park at 1315 N. 38th St., being taken off the market.
There were some concerns voiced about homes that are or might be turned into rentals, which are not legal in this neighborhood. Resident Jeff Ulrich reminded everyone that those concerned need to be vigilant about informing the city about it. Because the city only investigates based on neighborhood complaints.
When a new owner buys a property the city rental office doesn't remind the new owner what is allowed, so the new owner sometimes just assumes the home could be legally rented, Minturn said. Pittack said he'll be looking at some of these homes and will provide an update at the March meeting.
Garage fire
There was discussion of helping the owner at 3316 Lafayette Ave. clean up, after a fire burned down her garage. The day the new owner purchased the property a fire broke out, burning down the garage between LaFayette and Hamilton streets.
Citizen’s Patrol in full force
Jeff Ulrich, who is in charge of the area’s Citizen’s Patrol, said there are 10 active members on and they've all been trained.
No camping in Walnut HIll
The Metropolitan Utilities District asked to be notified if you see anyone camping at Walnut Hill, which they own. They want to spruce up Walnut Hill, making sure no one tries to stay overnight,
and keep the place free of trash. Communication about any issues can go through Minturn, as she’s the point of contact between MUD and the BPNA.
Fishy business
During the meeting there was also a rousing discussion of the best fish fries in town. Holy Name Catholic Church, Our Lady of Lourdes and St. John the Baptist Greek Orthodox Church were all definitely high on the list. Here’s a more extensive list from KETV. The club did not take an official vote ranking the best one.
Just a reminder we are now publishing the minutes posted on the beams park Facebook page as well as on the Bemis Park Neighborhood Association.
The meeting concluded at 7:50 p.m.
Meeting notes submitted by BPNA Secretary Patrick Garmoe