Meeting Minutes April 2024

Bemis Park Neighborhood Association Monthly meeting

                                                             April 9, 2024 @ 6:30 pm

                                                     Augustana Church 37th Lafayette 

  Joe P, President called the meeting to order at 6:30 pm. 14 people attended tonight’s meeting.

   March’s meeting minutes were read and approved. Treasurer’s report was read.

  Jed Molten from the City of Omaha was here tonight to talk about ADU’s or Accessory Dwelling Units. ADU’s are becoming popular among homeowners as additional housing sites for residential use. The ADU’s are constructed next to existing residential settings that are the primary residences of the owner.

 Jed gave out two handouts, one of which was on the existing code that regulates the ADU’s and the other a three-page handout that showed illustrated examples of ADU’s on residential properties. 

 Jed answered questions from the attendees on a variety of topics related to tonight’s topic, some about the regulations and from personal points of view of the questioner themselves, Particular questions were about if landlords can build ADU’s on their property, do they have to have bathrooms and kitchens, can tiny homes be used as ADU’s, what is the square footage requirement of an ADU, if a home owner tears down a garage to erect a ADU what then, if an ADU is erected in a Landmark area are there different regulations and what about property taxes. Lastly, Jed added he said an unknown is bank financing on a project. 

 Jed said the city is in the process of creating web site about ADU’s yet is not up and running. Recently the City hoped contractors will build some ADU’s so the city will know the costs involved in the building of them as this is an unknown. 


 Joe said the neighborhood clean-up is set for May 11th, starting at 8:00am and ending at 2:00 pm. He will send out a email asking for volunteers and the times to volunteer. One will be able Theto sign up online.

  Tennis Court update. A Go-Fund me page is up and running thanks to Patrick. A couple of bids have been received plus there are two donors from Bemis who have pledged to the project. Mary M. is writing grants for the project also.

 Re Tree project: Mary and Joe went through the neighborhood last week to identify new tree locations. A postcard will be sent out to Bemis residents that asks if they want a tree and who to contact. 

InCommon has purchased land on 41st and Hamilton, south side, and plan to put in a skate park.

Meeting adjourned at 7:50 pm.

Dave  B, Secretary



May Meeting Minutes


Meeting Minutes January 2024