Meeting Minutes for September 2023
Meeting Minutes from the Bemis Park Neighborhood Association meeting for September 12, 2023
A total of 17 people attended tonight’s meeting at Augustana Lutheran Church.
The current budget is $4,559.03. The club recently paid out the grant money to fund all the work at the Walnut Hill Reservoir baseball diamond.
Resources available at
At the September meeting Joe Spitsen, Program and Education Coordinator at the Nebraska Investment Finance Authority (NIFA), came and spoke about the programs his group offers. It’s a self funded state agency, providing a wide variety of funds related to helping with everything from home projects, to buying a home at, to finding a place to stay and free food via
Get your drive shoveled, and leafs raked
Vicki P got the ball rolling with inCommon and some area churches on a new program designed to have neighborhood kids shovel snow and rake leaves for area neighbors who are elderly, low income or single mothers. The tentative plan now is to offer the program in Bemis Park, Walnut Hill and Montclair neighborhoods. The precise borders would be, 30th to 40th streets on the east and west, and Hamilton to Cuming streets on the north and south. Once the work is done a block captain would verify it is complete, and inCommon would pay the kids a stipend.
Sign up to help with the fall cleanup
Fall cleanup is Oct. 14 from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. Typically people volunteer either for the 8 a.m. to 11 a.m. shift, or 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. shift. The event will be held by the tennis courts again at Bemis Park, 34th Street and Lincoln Boulevard. Please email BPNA president Joe P at or call or text him at 402-210-6552 to volunteer.
Meeting notes submitted by BPNA Secretary Patrick Garmoe